Hi All,
I am using Infragistics UltraCombo in my window application, I have a situation like this. when user enter values in the Ultracombo i need to check that particulat text is available in the Ultracombo rows,..
I am not able to get the rows collection to loop through the values.
Please let me know how to loop through the UltraCombo rows.
Hi Mike,
thanks for your reply as you said i set the LimitToList propery to True now it's working as expected.
Hi Mohan,
I answered this question in the old forums, too, but I thought I would respond here, as well.
If you want to ensure that the user can only select from the list and not type into the combo, you should set the DropDownStyle of the combo to DropDownList.
Another option is to set LimitToList to true. This lets the user type into the combo, but doesn't let them enter anything that isn't on the list.
Regarding looping through the row, I don't understand the problem. Why can't you loop through the rows?