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Creating Windows Handle Error

I am getting this error on occasion throughout the day.  I dont even know where to begin to solve or figure out where this is coming from. 

Thoughts?   I see the infragistics wineditors in the errors...    I am using 10.3 windows


Application Domain:    Axeium.exe
Assembly Codebase:     file://chcsql01/CCProNETFiles/Axeium/DeployFolder/Axeium.exe
Assembly Full Name:    Axeium, Version=3.0.4663.28642, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Assembly Version:      3.0.4663.28642
Assembly Build Date:   10/7/2012 4:54:44 PM

Exception Source:      System.Windows.Forms
Exception Type:        System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
Exception Message:     Error creating window handle.
Exception Target Site: CreateHandle

---- Stack Trace ----
   System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.CreateHandle(cp As CreateParams)
       Axeium.exe: N 00784
       Axeium.exe: N 00292
       Axeium.exe: N 00068
   System.Windows.Forms.Control.PointToClientInternal(p As Point)
       Axeium.exe: N 00081
   System.Windows.Forms.Control.PointToClient(p As Point)
       Axeium.exe: N 00013
   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.StyleUtils.IsHottracking(ctrl As Control)
       Axeium.exe: N 00082
   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.TextEditorControlBase.ResolveAppearance(appearance As AppearanceData&, requestedProps As AppearancePropFlags&, includeNullTextAppearance As Boolean)
       Axeium.exe: N 00125
   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.TextEditorControlBase.ResolveAppearance(appearance As AppearanceData&, requestedProps As AppearancePropFlags&)
       Axeium.exe: N 00010
   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.EditorWithComboOwner.ResolveAppearance(ownerContext As Object, appearance As AppearanceData&, requestedProps As AppearancePropFlags&, area As EmbeddableEditorArea, hotTracking As Boolean, customArea As String)
       Axeium.exe: N 00128
   Infragistics.Win.EditorWithTextAndDropDownUIElementBase.InitAppearance(appearance As AppearanceData&, requestedPropFlags As AppearancePropFlags&)
       Axeium.exe: N 00273
   Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableUIElementBase.InitAppearanceInternal(appearance As AppearanceData&, requestedProps As AppearancePropFlags&)
       Axeium.exe: N 00013
       Axeium.exe: N 00124
       Axeium.exe: N 00390
   Infragistics.Win.ValueList.ProcessSelectedIndexChanged(selectedIndex As Int32, commit As Boolean)
       Axeium.exe: N 00032
   Infragistics.Win.ValueList.set_SelectedIndex(value As Int32)
       Axeium.exe: N 00108
   Infragistics.Win.BindableValueList.SetDataSource(value As Object, notify As Boolean)
       Axeium.exe: N 00260
       Axeium.exe: N 00043
       Axeium.exe: N 00017
       Axeium.exe: N 00254
   Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraComboEditor.Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
       Axeium.exe: N 00033
       Axeium.exe: N 00020