I read this post from 2 years ago:
http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/18178.aspx Which indicated it was not available yet.
Had there been any head way on either Setting a valuebasedapperance in a summary or extending the valuebasedapperance ofn the column to include the columns summary?
Hello Wanderingmystic,
At that moment we didn`t implemt such functionality (ValueBaseAppearance in the summary), but there are different approaches to solve this task. I made similar sample to another customer, where I`m using CreationFilter and modify the ForeColor in the different summaries depending of column summary. Please take a look at that idea (see attached sample) and let me know if you have any questions.
Here is the sample:
Or, you could just use the SummaryValueChanged event to set the appearance on the summary.