For instance, if I do
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["qty"].MaskInput = "9999";
then I can put up to 4 numeric charcters in the cell.
What do I do though if I want an unlimited amount numbers?
What do I do if I want to a money type value such as 332.99 but not limit it to 3 characters one decimal and 2 characters? (Ex "999.99")?
melegant said:What do I do though if I want an unlimited amount numbers?
You can't do this with a mask. A mask always limits the user to a certain number of characters. You could put in the maximum number of allowable digits, of course, and then the user doesn't have to enter all of them. I think you will need to use "n" for that, instead of "9".
If you want a list of all the possible mask options and characters, check out the help: