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Repaint performance problem when moving a floating pane outside the screen bounds


we use the UltraDockManager and noticed a performance problem when dragging a floating pane around.

The floating pane contains an UltraPanel with some UserControls. When the pane is moved inside the screen boundaries, everything works fine.

If the pane is moved outside the screen boundaries and you try to drag it back on the screen, there is a huge lag between the mouse movement and the pane movement. You can see the redrawing of all labels, textboxes ..

If the pane is not floating and resides inside the DockManager, there is no performance problem at all when the whole application is moved outside the screen bounds and back.

We crate the floating pane like this: (Note: It's PROGRESS Code)

goUltraDockManager:DockAreas[1]:Panes[goUltraDockManager:DockAreas[1]:SelectedTabIndex]:Float(yes, new System.Drawing.Point(100, 100)).

In the MouseMove Event we set the FloatingLocation of the pane.

When the redrawing is completely disabled (WM_SETREDRAW) then the performance is as good as with a non floating pane.

But unfortunately you don't see anything inside the pane while dragging. ;-)

Any ideas or suggestions on how we could get rid of this performance problem?

Any help is appreciated.



  • 18495

    Hello Jorg,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    Which version of NetAdvantage are you using?  Also, is there a specific reason you're setting the FloatingLocation in the MouseMove event?  The UltraDockManager should take care of that automatically, just like it should take care of floating a pane when it's dragged out of the application window.

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