Good afternoon!
How to represent recursive data in Infragistics controls? The data source is List<SomeClass>
Give please an example project.
Boris, thanks! Your last project is really corresponding to the thread.
I marked your reply as a solution.
But, could you provide some help with my other thread
In your project, let's create class
public class Derived : TreeData { public string My { get; set; } }
And put an instance of that class into method GenerateTreeData(), for example to the top level.
I can have an instance of Derived class anywhere at any nested level.
Is it possible to represent Derived together with TreeData in a WinTree?
I liked in your solution the behavior that when some item of the list is expanded, then the header automatically appears above the next item.
If the only control that can deal with such kind of datasource is UltraTree, then how to make this behavior in UltraTree?
Is it possible in your project to move left side of the 'Name' column to the left? It is moved only to the right.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Thank you for your patience.
Could you please take a look at the modified sample, attached to this post. Let me know if I got you right this time.
Boris, thanks.
Your project provides hierarchical data.
Nevertheless, I am asking about recursive data, not hierarchical one.
I found the solution using WinTree and filling the nodes in code recursively.
Could you please review the sample attached to this post and see if it meets your requirements. Please feel free to let me know if I misunderstood you or if you have any other questions.