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Removing small pencils appearing in controls

Hello, in one application I have the following symbols appearing on my controls (cf Attachment).

How can I remove them?



  • 4618

    Hi pgirardier,

    I am following up to see if you are still experiencing this issue; if you are, please let me know.

    Chris K
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.

  • 4618
    Suggested Answer

    Hi pgirardier,

    Without further information, I can really only assume what would be causing this behavior, but assuming that you are using an AppStyle library which is applying this image, and further assuming that the controls in your screen shot are UltraTextEditors which implement EditorButtons within their ButtonRight collection, then it should be possible to modify your style library to remove the image allocated to EditorButtons.

    To do this, you would need to open the library within the AppStylist, then use the “Filter by Control” dropdown to show only appearance properties for the UltraTextEditor. Next, you will need to navigate to the EditorButton UIRole within the navigation tree within the left pane.

    The image is likely being applied as the background image for this element and in this case, setting the image property to none, will return the EditorButton to its default appearance; it may also be possible that a resource is being applied for this element, in which case, you would need to follow the same steps, but instead of setting the image property, you will need to remove the resource which applies this image.

    Resources may be added or removed for this element from the resources sub-pane, located on the far right of the bottom pane of the AppStylist. The resources list will contain items which give some intuitive indication as to the appearance that they modify, selecting the appropriate resource and selecting the minus icon for this pane will remove the resource.

    Please let me know if this resolves this issue for you and if it does not, please offer further context for your project, ie, the type of editor used in your screen shot and if possible, the style library being implemented as I could modify the library for you, if necessary.

    If you have any further questions at all regarding this behavior, please let me know.

    Chris K
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.