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Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate crashes while opening designer view in Windows Form app

Hi All,

I have a windows form which contains Infragistics Controls (UltraWinGrid,UltraWinToolbars,UltraWinTabControl,UltraWinStatusBar etc.).

Whenever I open the designer view of the form in the solution, VS 2010 crashes every time.

Thanks in advance !



  • 22852
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    In addition to what Dimi has suggested above you may want to attempt to get an exception and call stack by attaching a debugger to Visual Studio before the crash.  You can follow these steps to use a second instance of Visual Studio to do this:

    1. Open your project in Visual Studio 2010.
    2. Open a second instance of Visual Studio 2010
    3. Ensure that Enable Just My Code is unchecked in the debugging options
      1. From the menu select Tools -> Options
      2. Select Debugging from the tree on the left
      3. Uncheck "Enable Just My Code (Managed only) if checked.
    4. From the menu select Tools -> Attach to Process
    5. In the Attach to Process dialog, select the first instance of Visual Studio from step 1.
    6. Click Attach
    7. From the menu select Debug -> Exceptions...
    8. In the Exceptions Dialog check thrown next to Common Language Runtime Exceptions
    9. Click OK
    10. In the instance of Visual Studio from step 1, open the form that causes Visual Studio to crash.

    If a managed exception is caught the second instance of Visual Studio should break and you can get a call stack and exception details.  If the there is no exception caught, you may want to try to catch other exception types.

    Note that if you are not running Visual Studio as Administrator this could affect if an exception is caught.  If nothing was caught you may want to try running both instances of Visual Studio as Administrator.

    If you do get a call stack and exception details, post it on this thread.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.

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