our application allows the user to switch docking settings around. To do so, the user can click a tool in a toolbars manager's toolbar.
At the moment the user clicks the tool, the system recognizes a click on the desktop while/after/before LoadFromXML is running.
Commenting LoadFromXML out will result in clean behavior.
On slow machines if the user clicks the tool and a desktop icon is behind at this desktop's location, the desktop icon will be visible for a brief period of time, which is kind of irritating :)
On fast machines you will not see the icon but if you minimize the application and bring the tool and the desktop icon together to overlap, you can see the selection of the deskop item (less than 1 second). You are unable to open/run the desktop item by double clicking the tool, I tried that :)
I would like to get rid of this behavior, any advice?
Thank you for your feedback. I've been trying this with different styles, themes, versions, clicking the first, the second button, both in a row, double-clicking them pretty fast and was not able to reproduce the issue even once.
I know it might be hard for you, if you have not done it, is it possible to test this with a fresh installation of Win7 without any modifications and alternations of anything? I have the strange feeling that this might be coming somehow from the Personalization of the Operation System, but how can I tell for sure when after so many attempts I have failed.
Hello again,
I tested it again on different windows 7 machines, try the following:
If it is not working with Button1 tool, try to click Button2 and click them in turn.
The windows 7 edition seems not to matter, I was also able to reproduce it on Enterprise.
I was even able to RUN/OPEN the APPLICATION/RECYCLE BIN by doubling clicking very fast.
Thank you for the feedback, I will be waiting.
I was on vacation the last week and just reviewed your reply. It might take some time to try this on a clean system. I think I might hand this to one of our testers. Stay tuned.
Hello Blue,
I am checking if you have any progress on this?