There are two ultragrids.When I select from 1st grid selected rows is adding to second grid.On second grid I added value list column too.My problem is: if I add first row to second grid,and set value in value list column.Then if I return to add second row from first grid the value list values is disappearing.every time I need to set value list values.
Help please.
I'm afraid I don't really understand your question. The grid doesn't have any built-in ability to copy records from one grid to another. So your code must be doing that. And you lost me with the description of the ValueLists. I don't understand what one thing has to do with the other.
Perhaps you could post a small sample project demonstrating the issue?
Hello Mike.
Selected rows from first grid appears in second grid.User select from first grid rows which adds to second.And there are one more valuelist column on second grid which list value items are '<','>','='.I will use second grid for sql select statement.And: for example i selectes row from one grid which was added to second.And I set valuelist operator(>) on second grid.if I return to select second row from first grid the valueslist item from second grid is disappearing.So, everytime I have to set valuelist again.My second row datasource is datatable.Below I showed the examle.The table is datasource of second grid.
foreach (UltraGridRow row_1 in ultraGrid3.Rows) {
if ((row_1.Cells["Sec"].Text.ToBool() == true)) {
DataRow row = dt_2.NewRow(); row[1] = row_1.Cells["Suallar"].Text; row[2] = row_1.Cells["Suallar"].Text;
row[4] = row_1.Cells["Table_Name"].Text; row[5] = row_1.Cells["Type"].Text; row[6] = row_1.Cells["Field"].Text; row[7] = row_1.Cells["Value"].Text; row[8] = row_1.Cells[6].Text; row[9] = 1;
I'm still having a very hard time understanding you. if you are selecting an item from a ValueList and the cell it's losing it's value when you leave the cell, then it's usually because the cell's DataType doesn't match the value the ValueList is giving it. I doubt it has anything to do with the first grid or where the rows are coming from.
But it's really impossible for me to be more specific than that without knowing what your application is doing. The code you have here probably isn't at all relevent to the problem.
Can you post a small sample project demonstrating the issue? If so, I could check it out and tell you exactly what's wrong.