I have N-Tier application with a WCF Plain Service and a Windows Forms presentation layer.
I have a data table with the following design:
Partial Public Class SysArbetsdagtypKod
Private _DagtypKod_pk As String
Private _DagtypNamn As String
Private _Arbetsdag As System.Data.Linq.Binary
The WCF read method returns a BindingList(Of SysARbetsdagtypKod)
In the Form_Load event I set the UltraWinGrids datasource property to the binding list and try to change some properties of the Arbetsdag column
such as setting the editorControl to a UltraWinCheckEditor Control or setting the column style to a TriStateCheckbox but this throws an exception.
It seems that the UltraWinGrid cannot handle the System.Data.Linq.Binary datatype correctly.
How do I resolve this?
I found the problem myself the datatype of the column should be Boolean not Binary.
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