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Select All Rows in the Band And Its Child Bands


   I wanted to select all the rows that are present in the Band and all its Child bands in the Hierarchy when a row is clicked .I am trying to do this

 but it is not working.Any help please..

UltraGridRow gridRow = cell.Row as UltraGridRow;

if (gridRow.ChildBands != null)



foreach (UltraGridChildBand childBands in gridRow.ChildBands)


foreach (UltraGridRow tempRow in childBands.Rows)






  • 927

    Unfortunately, the Infragistics grid does not support selection of rows across bands. When I wanted to do something like this, I had to ignore the grid's Selected rows collection and implement my own. It's a lot more work, but it can be done. I created my own UltraGridRows collection and explicitly add/remove rows to it. I also have to manually color the rows to make them look like they're selected.

    I hope you will submit a feature request to Infragistics, asking them to support row selection across bands in the UltraGrid. The more Infragistics hears that this functionality is needed, the more likely it is that they will add it to their grid.

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted in reply to Jon

    You can submit a feature request here: Submit a feature request to Infragistics

    Also, you may want to consider using the WinTree instead of WinGrid. The WinTree control supports a grid ViewStyle, and it was just updated in the latest release to allow you to select nodes across bands. 

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