If I add a shortcut SHIFT-F5 to a Ribbon Tool, it is translated into MAJ-F5. Apparently this is the name for a French keyboard... I'm working with a Belgian keyboard however... Is this a bug?
Settings on my computer:
Keyboard: Dutch (Belgium) - Belgian (Period)
Location: Belgium
Windows 7 English Version
Could it be a problem of merging ToolbarsManagers?
Can you post a small sample project which reproduces this? The method is firing for me for the ButtonTools.
That doesn't seem to work either. Only when I click on a PopupMenuTool the method AfterCreateChildElements is triggered. It is not triggered for ButtonTools that are always visible.
Thx, Lieven Cardoen
I think the element was created in a ToolbarsManager that was merged with another one. I'll check that first.
How can I intervene in the creation of a ButtonTool in a Tab? Appaerntly AfterCreateChildElements is not triggered for these. Only if the ButtonTool is part of a PopupMenuItemUIElement, then the method is triggered...