I have a column for checkboxes and I need to export the rows which are checked to excel.I also need to hide the checkbox column.Kindly suggest a solution
Okay, this seems to be a completely different issue unrelated to your original question, so that's why I was confused.
I'm still not sure I understand what you are asking, though. You seem to have answered your own question. You will have to loop through the rows in the grid and examine the values of the cells. Which part of this is giving you trouble?
I have a column email ids. When I select a particular row, I am able to capture and send an email using mailto option.
When i select multiple rows using checkbox column, how can i store all of them in ultrawingrid and send email to everyone. In short how do I store all the email ids in a ultrawingrid by looping through each row.
Thank you, i appreciate your help
I don't understand your question. The grid doesn't have any e-mail functionality.
Thank you for the solution. It worked.
An extension to this is to email using mail to: option for all the selected rows.
Please suggest a solution for this. I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks once again
There's nothing to it. Try something like this:
private void ultraGridExcelExporter1_BeginExport(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.BeginExportEventArgs e) { // Hide the checkbox column e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["Boolean 1"].Hidden = true; } private void ultraGridExcelExporter1_RowExporting(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.RowExportingEventArgs e) { // If the value of the checkbox cell in the row is false, cancel the exporting of this row. if ((bool)(e.GridRow.Cells["Boolean 1"].Value) == false) e.Cancel = true; }