Dear experts,
gridBand.Override.RowSelectorWidth = 5;
But if I use default selector width(don't set RowSelectorWidth using above snippet), there will be one arrow always appeared, how to remove the arrow?
Any help will be appreciated,
Hi Alfonzoe,
If you don't want any of the symbols to appear in the row selectors, you can acheive this much more easily by setting the RowSelectorAppearance.ImageAlpha to Transparent.
Thank you ichversuchte...
This was very helpful for me!!!
I believe that you need to implemend a uielementdrawfilter class. It took us a while to get this figured out, but it works really good.
Create a instance of the class below and assign it to your grids DrawFilter.
Hope This helps,Brandon
Example of the class:
Public Function GetPhasesToFilter(ByRef drawParams As Infragistics.Win.UIElementDrawParams) As Infragistics.Win.DrawPhase Implements Infragistics.Win.IUIElementDrawFilter.GetPhasesToFilter
' Drawing RowSelector Call DrawElement Before the Image is Drawn
If TypeOf drawParams.Element Is Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowSelectorUIElement Then Return DrawPhase.BeforeDrawImageElse Return DrawPhase.NoneEnd If
End Function
' If the image isn't drawn yet, and the UIElement is a RowSelectorIf drawPhase = drawPhase.BeforeDrawImage And TypeOf drawParams.Element Is Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowSelectorUIElement Then' Get a handle of the row that is being drawn Dim row As UltraGridRow = CType(drawParams.Element.GetContext(Type.GetType("UltraGridRow")), UltraGridRow)' It this is a data row, return true to prevent any images from being drawn If row.IsDataRow Then Return True End IfEnd If' Else return false, to draw as normal Return FalseEnd Function
End Class