I am using v12.1 , and I am exporting a grid to excel, the grid has a groupby header.
The result is that in excel the data is grouped ( very good)
However I protected my sheet
e.CurrentWorksheet.Protected = True
but now I cannot open the groups in excel , when I click the expansion button in the side excel tells me to unprotect the sheet.
Is it possible to allow the expansion but still protect the sheet.
e.CurrentWorksheet.Columns(2).CellFormat.Locked = Infragistics.Documents.Excel.ExcelDefaultableBoolean.True
We really have no control over this - it's all up to Excel. So you may want to check with Microsoft. But my guess is that there is no way to do it. If the Protected state does not allow you to change the expanded state, then I doubt there's any option to allow it.
You could expand the rows before protecting the sheet. Or turn off the expansion altogether.