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Minitoolbar questions

I have some questions about the MiniToolbar
Background: We have some segmented Popupmenubuttons in our Toolbar. They can Show a Dropdown menu after klicking the tiny arrow on right side.
This arrow is hard to click on for some older customers. So we are looking for an alternative for that.
I found that I can trap the mouse-right click of the toolbar via the BeforeToolbarListDropdown which gives me the key of the klicked button. I did get a Suggestion for a Workaround for the size of this arrow, but that did not work (at least for me).

When I now want to Show a MiniToolbar after that click I have some Troubles:

a) do I Need to have an extra Toolbarmanager for every MiniToolbar - I do not see how I can create more than one Minitoolbar for one Toolbarmanager
b) I do not see any possibility to store a reference to a specific one in a ButtonTool
c) The Botton tool does not give me the posibility to add a popup menu
d) What would be your Suggestion to solve this Task?

Josef Resperger


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