I would like to add a button with a creation filter to the caption area of a grid group, but I can't seem to find the proper UIElement to hook into. Can anybody help me?
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I have attached a sample application which uses a CreationFilter to add a button to a GroupHeader. You will see that when the GroupHeader is scrolled off the screen the button is not being repainted. I hope this will help you to find what is going wrong in your own application. I think the important thing is to add the button to the ChildElements collection of the Header. Anyway, look it over and let me know if you have questions.
It is part of an enormous project and I don't think you want the whole thing. I am under some serious time constraints and don't have time to create a stand-alone project. I've added a button in the caption area of the grid instead and have given up trying to make it work in the groups. I was hoping one of your guys would have an idea right off the top of his head, but it sounds like that's not the case.
Will you be able to send us your code so that we can see what's going on?
No. If my first grid group is fixed and my second grid group is not, when I scroll to the right on the non-fixed group, the button bleeds through the fixed group.