I have a boolean data type for a sell with allow edit type setto FULL. For certian nodes, I would like to set the visbility of the check box to false. ie. Instead of using a disabled look, don't show anything in the cell. I tried setting the specific column to AllowCellEditDefault, but it had no effect...
There are a number of ways to do this.
One would be to set the Hidden property on the cell to hide the entire cell.
Another way would be to set the Style of the cell to something like Image (or maybe it's Picture). This should display a blank cell.
Still another way would be to use a DrawFilter or CreationFilter, but I suspect one of the first two methods will work for you and be a whole lot easier.
You 1st two properties I am unable to find, below I've included a snippet of what I am currently doing. On the cell there was no Hidden property, nor anything that looks remotely like a style either.
node.Cells["CascadeAdd"].AllowEdit = AllowCellEdit.Disabled;
node.Cells["CascadeDelete"].AllowEdit = AllowCellEdit.Disabled;
Oops, sorry, I was thinking UltraGrid, not UltraTree.
For the tree, you can simulate the Style property by using the EditorControl. Place an UltraPictureBox control on the form and then set the EditorControl property of the cell to the UltraPictureBox. This will make the cell try to interpret the value of the cell as a picture. Since it will be unable to do so, it will simply display a blank cell with no checkbox.