I have a grid whith a lot of columns, so the last columns are only accessible by scrolling.
My two first columns are "fixed columns".
If I enlarge the second fixed column so that it reaches the end of the space dedicated to the grid , I still see my scrollbar, but cliking on it has no effect and so I cannot see my other columns anymore.
How could I prevent this ? (it is even not possible to make the fixed column smaller once it goes until the end of the space dedicated to the grid)
Hi Verane,
You could trap the Before/AfterColPosChanged event of the grid. These events fires when the user resizes a column. So you could check to see if the columns are too large and reset them to smaller widths.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your answer. I could do that but it may be not so easy, you have to check wether the sum of the size of all the fixed columns are too big regarding the space you have for the grid. I would prefer that the grid has an option so that it always leave a little space for not fixed columns.
For me it is more a bug that you still have your scroll bar but moving it has no effect...
Best regards,
Hello Verane,
If you are using Mike`s idea, you could solve your task for example with the code below:
private void ultraGrid1_AfterColPosChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AfterColPosChangedEventArgs e)
int totalWidth = ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns.OfType<UltraGridColumn>().Where(p => p.Header.Fixed).Sum(s => s.Width);
if(totalWidth >= ultraGrid1.Width)
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