Can anyone point me to the new location of the KB article on how to add a checkbox to a column header (http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=4883)? I'm modifying an old project using NetAdvantage v7.2 and am not in a position to upgrade at this time.
BTW... it works for me in IE10 if I turn on Compatibility View.
Thanks, Danko, I would have never though of that! I pulled it up with FireFox. Thanks!
Hello Sean,
Thanks for posting in the Infragistics Community.
I have been testing this scenario and the link is working fine under Chrome 28, FireFox 22 and Internet Explorer 9. You are correct that the link is not working under Internet Explorer 10, and we are currently looking into this matter. If you are not able to use one of the mentioned browsers I will be glad to prodive you here all the information from the the article.