Is there a bug with ...LineChart.NullHandling = NullHandling.DontPlot ?
NS1.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(ChlaValue, AMTD, True)) OR NS1.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(ChlaValue, AMTD, False)) to display empty/null values or not. In my MRUltraChart I have set Me.LineChart.NullHandling = NullHandling.DontPlot to hide datapoints (i.e. icons) I do not wish to display.
Somehow, for example out of 11 data in the NumericSeries (NS1) I have 8 data points that need to be shown (i.e. NS1.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(ChlaValue, AMTD, False)) ) and the rest set to NS1.Points.Add(New NumericDataPoint(ChlaValue, AMTD, True)) to show as null value. When displaying my Chart however, only 7 points are shown.
P.S. To make sure I have not missed a data points, I have loop through all data points in the NumericSeries NS1 and shown correct null values and "Empty" fields.
How to get this bug fixed?
Inherits Infragistics.Win.UltraWinChart.UltraChart
Me.Size = New Drawing.Size(width, height)
Me.Border.Thickness = 0
Me.LineChart.NullHandling = NullHandling.DontPlot 'null points won't be displayed
axisMargn.MarginType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.LocationType.Pixels
axisMargn.Value = 4
.X.Margin.Far = axisMargn
.X.Margin.Near = axisMargn
.Y.Margin.Far = axisMargn
.Y.Margin.Near = axisMargn
.Y.TickmarkStyle = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.AxisTickStyle.Smart
.X.Labels.Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.Horizontal
.Y.Labels.Orientation = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TextOrientation.Horizontal
.X.Extent = 3
.Y.Extent = 12
.X.LineThickness = 1
.Y.LineThickness = 1
.X.MajorGridLines.Visible = False
.Y.MajorGridLines.Visible = False
.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.#>" 'somehow not working; -> so have to set onPrintDocument procedure
End With
End Class
there are no bugs that i know of related to null handling / empty point rendering.
i don't really understand the problem as you've described it... maybe you can post an image of your chart?
for example, in a chart where a data point is between 2 null values, the data point just doesn't display. i might have to change chart type~
no, that hasn't changed. a line requires two consecutive points to display. however, the LineChart.LineAppearances property will allow you to add icons atop each point in the line, so your isolated points will display.
also, if you set NullHandling = InterpolateSimple and use the Data.EmptyStyle properties to configure a style for displaying null points, you should see a line going through that isolated point as well.
Refer to my screen shot
i just created that chart at design time, source code attached