using ultraCalendarInfo's BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog, I have a code written to show my own custom appointment dialog box. Before I show that dialog box however, I want to check if the slot double clicked (in the ultradayview) is within the correct range in which appointment is allowed to be made. For us its from 930am to 6pm . If its before 930am or after 6pm, I want to prevent showing the appointment dialog box. Plz suggest what should I do.
You could specify Start / End times through your calndarInfo for each day of week. See attached screenshot.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Maybe one possible solution could be if you are using AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged event. By this way you could get the time slots. For example :
private void ultraDayView1_AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Let me now if you have any questions.