Is there a way to prevent the FormattedTextEditor from ever scrolling? When I set the ScrollBarDisplayStyle to Never, scrolling still occurs when a line is longer than the text box's width (even when that line contains backslashes). Is there a way to cause wrapping to occur at the last character that can fit within the bounds of the text box? Thanks for the info.
- Dave
If you compare this to the RichTextBox, it truncates a word at the edge of the control and wraps it onto the next line. FormattedTextEditor does not. Personally, I think the RichTextBox method is better - if you select WordWrap = True, you don't expect things to scroll off the edge of the control.
There's no way to prevent the control from scrolling. Except for the obvious way - by making the control big enough so that no scrolling is needed. You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.
I'm not sure what you mean about the wrapping. You want to wrap on a character and not a word? I don't think that is supported, either.