How do you change the background color of the calendare heading?
Infragistics.Win.Appearance app = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();app.BackColor = Color.Red;app.ThemedElementAlpha = Alpha.Transparent;this.ultraCalendarCombo1.CalendarLook.MonthHeaderAppearance = app;this.ultraCalendarCombo1.ScrollButtonAppearance = app;
That doesn't seem to do anything.
What I want to do is change the color of an UltraCalendarCombo heading bar, that area that includes the Month/Year and month and year scroll buttons.
There are several different appearances for the various different headers displayed by the WinSchedule controls. You did not specify which control, header, etc., but the following example demonstrates how to change the background color of the day header for UltraDayView:
this.ultraDayView1.CalendarLook.DayHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.White;