I have an ultragrid populated by a blank "department" class: Dim AffDeptList As New BindingList(Of PTWAffDeptHeads)
This grid has 2 dropdowns, 1st one for departments and 2nd for people. (their datasources are populated by a stored procedure)
I can add rows (new dept and people) to the grid ok. I use the AddNew box to add new rows to the grid (and make my selections for the 2 dropdowns) and then save. the row data is successfully saved to the database.
But I need to have the grid populated from a datasource. So that the grid will list all the rows that were selected/saved. each row has a dropdown of a selected dept and a selected person that should show the selected value.
Here's how I'm loading my grid, and 2 dropdowns.
Dim PTWId As Guid 'Fill Grid GridAffDepts.DataSource = AffDeptList
'Fill Dept DropDown Dim ds As System.Data.DataSet ds = DataAccess.LoadDepts(formId)
ddlDept_AffDeptList.SetDataBinding(ds, Nothing, True) ddlDept_AffDeptList.ValueMember = "DeptId" ddlDept_AffDeptList.DisplayMember = "DeptName"
cboDept_AffDeptList.ValueMember = "DeptId" cboDept_AffDeptList.DisplayMember = "DeptName" cboDept_AffDeptList.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
'Fill POB DropDown ds = DataAccess.SelectPerson(formId) ddlPOB_AffDeptList.SetDataBinding(ds, Nothing, True) ddlPOB_AffDeptList.ValueMember = "PersonId" ddlPOB_AffDeptList.DisplayMember = "FullName"
Here's one of the datasources I would use to populate the dept. basically the "chkselected" will be 1 if the row is selected, 0 if not:
SELECT d.DeptId, d.DeptCode, d.DeptName, CASE WHEN ad.formid = @formid THEN 1 ELSE 0 END [chkSelected] FROM VW_Department d LEFT JOIN PTWdepts ad ON ad.PTWDeptId = d.DeptId AND (ad.formid = @formid OR @formid = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') ORDER BY DeptName
Not sure how to auto popluate the grid with the selected rows from a datasource.
Yes i have successfully binded the grid to a DataSet populated from a server or other database. and I have 2 columns in my drid that are ultradropdowns. i want each column to have a selected row/value based on the dataset. so when you are viewing the grid, the dropdowns are set at the selcted position. I'm not sure how to add a new row to the grid (or rows) first of all. secondly, I need to also make sure the dropdowns in the grid reflect the datasource values. Note, the grid is empty until the user clicks the addnew button, then a new row is created. but I'd like to dynamically add this row(s) based on my datasource.
I'm having trouble understanding what you are asking.
It sounds like you are currently binding the grid to a BindingList<T> and you are asking how to bind the grid to a DataSet populated from a server or other database.
But you are already populating the dropdowns using a DataSet (presumably from a database). And there's no difference between doing this for a DropDown or a grid.
So I don't know what your question is.