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UseFixedHeader = true + RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout + SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription + scroll ==> paint bug


first i want to say sorry for that messed up title but i wasn't able to fit all relevant information in there in another format.

A few days ago we encountered something i would define as a bug.
If you combine the settings "UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.UseFixedHeaders = True", "UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle = GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle.SummaryCellsAlwaysBelowDescription" and "UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).RowLayoutStyle = RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout" and then sort by a column, when you have summaries, and then scroll horizontally, the summary cells in the GroupByRow "wander off"/move faster forward then the actual columns they belong to and therefore end up anywhere but under the columns they belong to in the end.

I attached a example project. In the lower left corner there is a checkbox to switch on and off UseFixedHeaders (which is because we need the other properties in our main project but not this one). If it is switched on and you group by a column (we used the column "Date" for our tests) and then scroll horizontally you can see the summary cells wander off.

Since we don't need this option currently we can simple set it to false for now but there might be the possibility that we will need it someday and it would be nice if this unwanted behaviour would be fixed (if it is a bug) or at least explained (if this behaviour is wanted/by design).
