Doesnt the ultraFormattedTextEditor display comes along with the formatters (eg : B, I, U, and other icons on top of the texteditor.)
Am using NetAdvantage 8.1 Win CLR 2x controls and am looking for a layout where a user is given both the texteditor as well as the options/icons for formatting the text just above it.
something similar to the "Write a New Post" message text box of this forum.
I saw the Ribbon with FormattedTextEditor sample that ships with NetAdvantage , but I am unable to see the code behind. How can I get the source code ??
As I have already mentioned in the other thread that you replied to, there is nothing built into the control that will allow this. A user has graciously offered to share his code with you, should you require it.
Is there any other option if I don not want to use Ribbon. With ultratoolmanager control, it get docked only at the top.
I need a simple formatting toolbar (Bold,Italic etc) within the ultrFormattedTextEditor control.
Any suggestions ?
I need something very similar to the "Write a New Post" message text box of this forum.
All of the samples are included with source code. Look in your NetAdvantage installation folder under:
\Samples\WinToolbars\CS\Ribbon With FormattedEditor CS