My grid needs to do something like, delete a selected row by clicking on a button I have added to the form that contains UltraWinGrid. At times, it looks like a row is highlighted in blue, but in fact there is no row selected, and even the Me.grid1.Selected.Rows.Count = 0. But this is misleading to the user. When the row is highlighted in blue, the user would expect that it is highlighted and then click on the delete button to delete that record from Database. But in turn it throws exception saying No row selected. How do I tackle this? Is there any property by which i can access the highlighted row if both Me.grid1.Selected.Rows.Items( ) and Me.grid1.ActiveRow( ) returns nothing?
I found a solution yesterday, by setting the selected property of the row to false before deleting it.
Hi Sindhu,
If the grid.Selected.Rows.Count is 0 and the grid.ActiveRow is null and you still have a highlighted row, then I'm not sure what's happening. The only other way that a row could be highlighted is if you are are applying an appearance to the row in your code somewhere. Or maybe you have turned on HotTracking?