Is it possible to add an valuelist item that has an empty string as DisplayText.
I have a column in a database that is of type Integer, and it can be NULL.
Since this field is represented by an Integer in the software, the value will automatically be 0 in the columnthat is mapped to this valuelist. The correct approach would then be to show an empty string.
Can this be achieved somehow?
I have seend that " " works as DisplayText, but not "".
Since I am using Filters as well, it would be good to get the option "Blanks" to work as well.
There is no way to do that. There’s no way to have a DataValue and then override the DisplayText to show nothing. As Mike Saltzman has pointed out, "You could change the DisplayText to a single space character, or maybe some kind of placeholder like “(Empty)”." You would have to do something like that.