We have been changing the Main Menu toolbar of our program. Now we have put a Ribbon, with Office 2013 style. We have had some problems with it, in customization and localization terms, things that we can't find.
-In the FileMenuApplication2010 button, is it possible to have an image without a text? I can put an image and an empty string as a text, or put a no-visible caption, but the image stays at the top left of the button instead of being centered.
-Inside that menu, there is a Back arrow like Office 2013. In the AppStylist application, I can change it's back color(it's blue by default), but it has been impossible to me to get to it's color property via code or Visual Studio designer(right click on the toolbar, click on "Custom property pages"). Which property does it use?
-We need to change the bottom border of the Ribbon too. If the Ribbon is expanded and pinned, there is a 3D Border at the bottom, and we don't want it. We would like a border like the flat border at the bottom of the expanded and unpinned Ribbon.
-And, for us, the most important of all: At the right of the form, there is a button containing three buttons inside and it's descriptions, "Auto-hide Ribbon", "Show Tabs" and "Show Tabs and Commands". We want to have access to the captions of the buttons, title and description for each one, to be able to translate to our native language. Same as before, we haven't been able to access to that button. Where is it?
Like always, very thanks for all the help.
Hi Xe,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello Xe,
Thank you for the reply.
What you could do in your case is to use a DrawFilter. In it you could remove the border of the bottom border of the RibbonPagerAreaUIElement and instead of that to draw it for the RibbonAreaUIElement. You can do that with the help of the DrawBorders method of the draw parameters. This method allows you to control the style, the color and for which sides to draw the borders. For more information about DrawFilter please follow this link:http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WinForms/2012.2/CLR4.0/HTML/Win_Draw_Filter.html
I have attached a modified version of my sample, which demonstrates this suggestion.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Your solutions were great except one little thing. In your example, you use a CreationFilter to remove "RibbonTabPageShadowUIElement" and, in fact, it removes it perfectly. But with that, there is one minor glitch that is that the former shadowed region now it doesn't exists, but the border of the tab/Ribbon is one pixel inside the Ribbon. I don't know if I'm explaining myself well, what I mean is that the shadow no longer exists, but it exists the space for it.
It would be great to get the border descend one pixel in the same Creation Filter, if it's possible. I don't know if one can change the location of this UIElement, and I can't find the correct UIElement that corresponds that line.
Thanks again.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer support.
- To display only image button in the ApplicationMenu2010 you could use a button with image and no text and then resize and realocate it with the help of CreationFilter. For more information about CreationFilter please visit this link: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WinForms/2012.2/CLR4.0/HTML/Win_Creation_Filter.html
- Currently there is no way to change that button’s color outside of AppStylist. You can suggest a product idea. Logging a product idea has many benefits like direct communication with our product management team regarding your product idea or the ability to vote on your favorite product ideas and let us know which ones are the most important to you. You suggest a new product idea or vote for existing one from this site: http://ideas.infragistics.com.
- That border changes because when the ribbon is pinned there is RibbonTabPageShadowUIElement. You can remove that element with the creation filter and the border will be like the one on the unpinned ribbon.
- To do that you can use ResourceStrings. You can see more information about them on the following links:
The exact resource strings keys which you need to manage are:
I have implemented a sample which demonstrates my suggestion.