I want ApplicationMenuButton Enable = false.
How can I do?
You can set the FileMenuStyle property exposed from the Ribbon to 'None'. But first you have to set the Office2007UICompatability to 'False'
For more details please visit our documentation:http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WinForms/2013.2/CLR4.0/HTML/WinToolbarsManager_The_Ribbon_Application_Menu.html
this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Office2007UICompatibility = false; this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Ribbon.FileMenuStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.FileMenuStyle.None;
I don't want use Office2007UICompatibility = false way.
Is there another way?
Hello, You should be able to use a Creation Filter and and within AfterCreateChildElements remove the child elements from RibbonCaptionAreaUIElement. The ApplicationMenuButtonUIElement is the only child element. For more details about Creation Filters please visit our documentation,