Is there a way to change an month header of UltraMonthViewMulti without changing an Thread Culture.. ?
In fact my month names are in language defined byWindows system and I want to change it to some other language without changing Thread Culture (current it is Croatia setting).
Example: I see in UltraMonthViewMulti month header like this " < Ozujak, 2014 > " and I want to see it like this " < My march, 2014 > " or like this " < 3, 2014 > "... (this sign " < " and this sign " > " is an buttons for changing months..)
I tried to use UltraWinsSchedule Resurces Customizer but without success.
I am using Infragistics Win 2012.2.
Please help,
No, as I said, you cannot do that for a specific control. It has to be set on the Thread and you said you did not want to do that. This would have to be done with a CreationFilter or DrawFilter. I will try to put together a sample for you.
Can you give me an sample how to change CurrentUICulture for UltraMonthViewMulti only ?
I don't think there is a way to do that. You would have to change the CurrentUICulture and you can't do that for a specific control. You might be able to replace the text by means of a DrawFilter.