Hi folks,
Hope someone can help me. I am trying to use GetAppointmentsInRange to get back a count of appointments for a given range of dates for the active owner. When I use GetAppointmentsInRange with just date ranges it works fine (I get back ALL appointments for the range entered. But, when I use GetAppointmentsInRange with the active owner as a parameter, it doesn't work, I get back a count of 0, even though there are appointments for the active owner. The code I am using is below. Any idea on what I am doing wrong?
NoAppointments = DayAppointments.Count
That doesn't seem to be it. One thing I am doing in my app is I am writing the appointment to my ow (SQL) database. I load the appointments and owners from my own tables and then bind them through code. Could that have something to do with it?
The only speculation I can offer given the information you posted is that Me.scheduler.ActiveOwner references a different Owner than you think it does, and that Owner has no Appointments for the date range you are passing in. One other possibility is that the control referenced by 'Me.scheduler' is not associated with the same UltraCalendarInfo as that referenced by 'Me.cinfo'.
Still looking for some help. Anybody have any ideas?