When inspecting an UltraTreeNode that was previously added to the root of the Tree, I see that Index (getter) is 0 but index (property) is 3.
3 is the correct value.
Any idea why the getter would return 0 instead of 3?
Kind regards, Lieven Cardoen
The node gets added like this:
this.ribbonLayoutViewUltraTree.Nodes.Insert(dropNodeIndex, popupMenuNode);
After this, when inspecting Index, it's 3 as it should be.
After this, I'm adding an UltraTreeNode to the popupMenuNode with:
popupMenuNode.Nodes.Add(newUltraTreeNode); popupMenuNode.Expanded = true; newUltraTreeNode.Selected = true;
For some reason, after this, Index has become 0...
Lieven Cardoen