Hi! I have an UltraTree with structure like shown in the picture ("Current tree"). Is there any way to hide parent node ("Закладки") making just visual changes and not affecting the dataSource of the tree? Thanks!
I've found a solution. I removed text label with setting node Text property to String.Empty and set icon instead of empty space left after the node.
There is a Visible property on the node and you can set the Visible property to false to hide the node and all of it's children.
You cannot hide a node and keep displaying the child nodes, though.
I forgot to mention that I use NetAdvantage for .NET 2007 Vol. 3 CLR 2.0. and UltraWinTree.v7.3.20073.1043.
It is clear that I can't manipulate with nodes since the tree is binded with datasource. I also couldn't find a way to manipulate with the datasource to get needed view of the tree.
So I assume that there should be some other ways to achieve what I need.