I have a pretty simple Grid with one band grouped by one column. I am currently displaying the totals for each group in the group by row but additionally I would like to display overall totals under the very last row in the grid. I would expect such a thing to be under grid.Footer but this doesn't appear to be the case. I couldn't find any info on the web or in the documentation, could somebody point me in the right direction please? If you need anymore info please let me know.
Thanks so much for this post. I actually added an entire new grid below another to handle total summaries. The help on this subject was NOT good enough. I appriciate the fact that Ifragistics finally has started to see the value of providing good documentation for their product. The new tutorials are great.
Hmmm...I stopped messing with it after a while and just came back to it. Decided to search through the help again and found a tutorial which I previously hadn't seen while searching for an unrelated (seemingly) topic. I thought I had tried enough combinations but anyways here is what I came up with. It displays the group by row summaries on the group by rows and it displays the overall totals at the very bottom of the grid:
band.Override.SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRows | SummaryDisplayAreas.Bottom | SummaryDisplayAreas.RootRowsFootersOnly;
I hope this can help somebody out there and thanks for your help Mike!
Thanks Mike, I appreciate the reply but I've already been looking at that property and it doesn't appear to be it. I feel like this is a pretty common scenario as it is something which is done quite frequently in Reporting Services so there should be a pretty easy way to do it in with the Grid since it is so feature rich.
If there aren't any properties I can set directly is there a way I can manually add a footer row? Even if I could I still have a problem because I need to add a column which displays the percentage the row represents of the overall total. In Reporting Services my formula would be something like follows:
sum(Fields!Total.Value)/sum(Fields!Total.Value, "DataSet")
Is there any support for this in the formula builder? If you aren't familiar with Reporting Services, the numerator sums the values of Total with respect to the current group while the denominator is summing the values of Total over the entire DataSet bound to the grid. The basic problem is that I need to calculate this overall total and use it in every row of the grid, but I have two problems.
1. I don't know if this is even possible and can't seem to find any documentation on all of the syntax available when designing formulas.
2. I don't know if its value will be cached or if it will be calculated for each row, so I would just need to manually populate the values.
I have no problem calculating these values myself but I would rather attempt to use the built-in features of the grid before I develop any code myself. Thanks again for you help and if anyone else has tried to do this before I'd love to here from you.
There are so many properties and options in the grid that I have a hard time keeping track of them all myself. But I think what you are looking for is the SummaryDisplayAreas property.