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EditorButton not displayed when CellActivation is NoEdit or ActivateOnly

I need a column with an editor and a button.

I tried to use the column style EditButton, but with this approach I cannot set the button text ("...") nor modifiy the button size.

Next, I tried to use an UltraTextEditor to which I add an EditorButton, then set the column's EditorControl to the UltraTextEditor control. Now I have more control on the button, great.

My next requirement is to be able to click on the EditorButton when the cell is readonly. The problem is that the button is not visible when the CellActivation is set to NoEdit or ActivateOnly.

It seems the button is visible when the ButtonDisplayStyle is set to Always, but I'm using OnRowActivate, and I would like to keep it like this because Always make too much things displayed in the grid.

Anyone can help me acheive this ?

