I want to add Check boxes in the OwnerHeader, as shown in the figure.
Also if there is only one owner i still want ultradayview to display the owner Header. It only shows the header if multiple owners are checked.
You could use IUIElementCreationFilter interface in order to add ChekBox into the owner header. I’ve implemented this for you in order to demonstrates you how you could achieve your goal.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi Hristo,
Thanks for the sample, i was able to add checkboxes into owner header.
There is one issue, i have added 2 checkboxes for each owner, when i scroll from left to right the checkboxes overlaps with the Owner Header Name. I have attached the snap shot of the same, how to avoid this?
Also if there is only one owner i still want ultradayview to display the owner Header. It only shows the owner header if multiple owners are checked/visible.
Thanks for the sample will check it. Also i am waiting for the update on following query:
If there is only one owner i still want ultradayview to display the owner Header. It only shows the owner header if multiple owners are checked/visible.
Hello Chitra,
After you run my sample you will see that even if you have one owner it’s header is still there, so maybe you are setting
ultraDayView1.ShowOwnerHeader = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi Histro,
This still does not work for me.
In my project I am setting the visibilty of unassignedowner to false as shown below(because I dont wont to show the unassignedowner at all)
Owner unassignedOwner = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.UnassignedOwner;
unassignedOwner.Visible = false;
And i have added other 5 owners, of which i have set that minimum 1 owner's visiblity is true.
And i checked in my entire project i have not set
instead i also tried setting it to true, but still does not work.
Is it because i have set the visibility of unassigned owner to false?
i am looking forward for the reply on the above query.
I used your code to solve the Overlapping issue i had addressed earlier.
I want to know is there any way i can Fix the position of the Owner Header Name?