I'm somewhat new to Infragistics so please pardon me if my terminology is incorrect.
I have a view that holds 2 panes, say a "car" and a "car_details" grid, supporting a one-to-many relationship.
I want to duplicate the select car, with a cascade effect of also duplicating the car_details.This works: UltraGridRow newCar = _view.ViewGrids["car"].DuplicateRow();
Now I have a duplicated car, and in the car_detail grid, a set of duplicated car_detail rows.I want to modify them.
I might normally do something like this: foreach (UltraGridRow carDetail in this._view.ViewGrids["car_detail"].Rows)
But it picks up EVERYTHING in the 2nd grid - including the original details.I want to target only those rows that are tied to the duplicated car.
I am looking for something like: foreach (UltraGridRow carDetail in newCar["car_detail"].Rows)
This is of course because "newCar" already has a reference to the duplicated object.
Thank you kindly for reading my post and I'll certainly appreciate any feedback received! :)
Dimitar - thanks kindly for following up - I tried earlier to respond but had difficulty accessing the forum.
Regardless, I targeted the the data store instead - the datasest behind the grid - and was able to complete my task.
Hi Bill,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Thank you for the reply.
That would mean that there are no ChildBands for this row, so you either have a reference to the child row or the grid has only one band. Please send me a sample which reproduces this issue and I will be glad to take a look at it and implement the feature you want.
I am looking forward to your reply.
haha! I suppose that makes sense! I couldn't find a google reference to save my life!! :)
Unfortunately, ChildBands is null :(
Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer Support.
UltraGrid doesn’t have a method called DuplicateRow or ViewGrids property (neither does the UltraGridRow or UltraGridBand). So you must have extended the UltraGrid functionality in some way.
Anyway if you have a grid row and you want to access all its child rows, you could use code like:
foreach(var carDetailsRow in carRow.ChildBands[0].Rows)
Without having a reference to the parent row, or some means to identify it you can’t find the child rows.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.