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Changing value and getting tooltip for controls added in OwnerHeader using Mycreation
Hi, I am using UltraDayView and UltraWeekView both showing multiple owners.For the appointments i am getting them from database and adding them on ultraDayView/UltraWeekView. I am showing Multiple OwnerHeader in which i have Added Two Check boxes. one Image and one Button using MyCreation. and with help of sample code provided on the link My Queries are: Firstly for the Two Checkboxes: The state of these 2 checkboxes are again coming from database which i need to set on initial load of the form. How to set the check/uncheck of these checkboxes on initial load. For the image: i want to show tooltip for the image, and the data to be shown in tooltip is again coming from the database(the data is about who last updated appointment). I used ToolTipProviderUIElement and imgUIElement.ToolTipItem = tooltipElement; to get the tooltip...i hard coded the data for now which i am able to see, but i need to show the data that i am getting from database. For the Button: i have added ButtonUIElement i want to show an image on this button for which i tried setting following btnUIElement.Appearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance(); btnUIElement.Appearance.ThemedElementAlpha = Alpha.Transparent; btnUIElement.Appearance = appearance10; but the button does not show any image, i am using IG.isl in my application is there a problem with that or somthing else? How can i set image for this button. I used btnUIElement.ImageRegion for now, but image is not proper Thanks, Chitra
  • 48586



    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need any further assistance on this  issue?


    Thank you for using Infragistics Components

  • 48586


    This is a lot of customization which was made with CreationFilter interface, and to archive your goal it involves a lot of customization of the existing code.

    First caked state of the checkboxes is recorder in OwnerState dictionary, so if you want to initialize values for each  Owner you should populate this Dictionary before creating CheckBoxUIElelemnt. So you could make this dictionary public in order to be able to populate it with data in Load event of your Form.

    Also since your new custom scenario involves to pass a lot of information by each owner  to the CreationFilter class, you could adjust  OwnerState class, so it could keep all information about your Owner which must be passed to the CreationFilter (tooltip, icon, draft boolean value and etc.).

    About the tooltip, you could Implement ITooltipItem interface, which could be assigned to a specific UIElement and it will responsible for the tooltip.

    I’ve implemented this suggestions in the attached sample, and I hope that this will helps you.