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ListView Item selected Text in edit mode

I have a list view that has tems that are Files from the disk,a user can double click to edit the file name. I would like to highlight just the filename portion of the note the extension as this is what windows explorer does, is there way to do this ?

many thanks


  • 515
    Suggested Answer

    Ok sorted it ..can get the editor this way

    private void ultraListView1_ItemEnteredEditMode(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.ItemEnteredEditModeEventArgs e)
     EmbeddableUIElementBase embeddableElement = e.Item.UIElement.GetDescendant( typeof(EmbeddableUIElementBase), e.Item ) as EmbeddableUIElementBase;
    EmbeddableEditorBase editor = embeddableElement != null ? embeddableElement.Editor : null;


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