I am using UltraWinGrid and when hovering a mouse over ultragrid, the row under the mouse cursor gets highlighted with Blue colour.
I want to stop the highlighting of row. I tried with various appreance but dint work.
And also i am using AppStyling(IG.isl file) in my application, can this be the reason of row-highlight. If so how can i stop that?
Hi Chitra,
Please let me know if you need my further assistance on this matter.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello Chitra,
When you using style library you can create different style sets for each control in your style library. Then in your solution you can choose which style set to apply to which control. More about creating style sets you can find by following the next link http://help.infragistics.com/doc/WinForms/2014.1/CLR4.0/?page=Styling_Guide_Creating_a_StyleSet.html
How to apply and change style sets in your solution you can find by following next link http://help.infragistics.com/doc/WinForms/2014.1/CLR4.0/?page=Styling_Guide_Changing_StyleSets_at_Run_Time.html
Please find attached a sample solution with three UltraGrids styled with IG.isl style library. In style library I have added two style sets for UltraGrid – one with cell borders and one without borders.
Please let me know if this is what you are looking for or if I am missing something.
Hi Milko,
I have 5-6 UltraGrids, and if i change some properties for UltraGrid in IG.isl these changes apply to all the grids . Is there a way i can restrict some changes to be applied to only one grid and not change in other grids?
For Example: if there are 3 grids say UltraGrid1, UltraGrid2, UltraGrid3, in all the 3 grids there is no row and column border. Now i want UltraGrid1 to have row & column borders but UltraGrid2, UltraGrid3 should be without borders. If i make any changes for Row & Column border in IG.isl it will be applied to all the 3 grids.
How can i restrict the border changes to be applied only to UltraGrid1 and not to UltraGrid2 & UltraGrid3?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on it.
If I understand you correctly you are using AppStyling with Infragistics IG.isl style library. In this style library UltraGrid’s GridRow has a HotTracked style applied. To change this style open IG.isl style library in AppStylist application. From this point you have two main approaches:
work with resources – with style library open choose resources tab of Style Explorer window (by default it is on the top left side of application window) and find Default_Row_HotTracked. By selecting this item you will access in properties window (by default it is on the bottom of the application window) all the properties set to this resource and will be able to modify them as you need.
work with roles – with style library open select the Grid tab in Preview Canvas (by default it is on the top right side of the application window). With Grid tab selected hover your mouse over the sample grid in Preview Canvas. If you stop the mouse on any row the Role Selector pop up will appear. Press the keyboard key corresponding to GridRow role. This will open in properties window the properties you may set for GridRow. Please click on HotTracked tab of the properties window and set the visual appearance as per your need.
More about styling you can find in our Styling Guide following the next link: http://help.infragistics.com/Doc/WinForms/current/CLR4.0/?page=Styling_Guide.html
Please find attached sample .isl style library based on IG.isl with no background color on hover for UltraGrid GridRow.