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Can create captions for rows in the Grand Summaries?

I want to create three rows of Grand Summaries.  One for the sum of Qty, sum of Amount and Avg of Price. 

An example is provided in the image that was taken from the Grid that I am developing, I just wrote the Qty Diff on the title of the Net Difference row because I don't know how to do this with the WinGrid:


Grand Summaries


                Quantity Totals:  | 23  | 23|  35| 53


               Price Average:    |45 |    25|  33|  23


               Amount Total:      | 2345| 2343| 325324| 


  • 3186
    Offline posted

    I just sent in a b*tchy feature request for this once again.  I hope you will send in one also and maybe we can get something accomplished.

    The summaryfootercaption is just not robust or smart enough.

    If you are lucky enough to have a string column as your first column you might try adding a summary for each of these there and change the display format for just the literal string you want.  Although I think I'm missing a step probably something to do with values and not being able to do numeric operations on them.

    Give it a try and see if you can trick it into doing it.



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