Hi all,
My problem is that i set the GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle = GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle.SummaryCells and SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.InGroupByRows, but still theGroupByRow is showing two Rows , the Summaries is bellow the description and the summaryPosition is set to SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn, the columns that have summaries if far away from the description.
Reading from the online API for the GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle enum:
"Summaries are displayed as cells in group-by row. These summary cells are positioned according the SummarySettings’ SummaryPosition settings. If the summary cells do not intersect with the group-by row description then they are positioned in the same level as the description. If at least one summary cell intersects with the group-by row description then all the summary cells are positioned below the description."
What qualifies as "intersect with the group-by row description"???
thanx in advance
Basically, it means that if the description (the text) on the GroupByRow would run into any summary on the same line, then all of the summaries are moved to a new line.
The problem is Groups!! I Have Groups in my Grid, and if i remove them the hole thing is one line, which is the right way cos, group moving.
But when i set the :
AllowColMoving = AllowColMoving.WithinGroup;AllowGroupMoving = AllowGroupMoving.NotAllowed;
still i have the same problem.
See my response to thread:
I believe it's the same issue...