I have managed to populate my Pivot grid, but now!, How do I export this to Excel or Word?
I can not really find a clear example of how this is to be done. Can you please guide me to a simple solution
Hello Edgar,
After further research I was not able to find appropriate and unified approach that could export any kind of hierarchy correctly in Excel, including all headers with appropriate merging. So at this point it is better to wait while this idea will be implemented.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.
Hi Hristo,
Could you be so kind to give a simple example of how to accomplish this.
Hello ,
With UltraGridExcel engine you could manually generate and populate ExcelFile with data (it also supports merge regions and etc. ). The issue is that currently there is no easy way to get all RowHeaders and ColHeaders associated with PivotGridCell, so if you have single level grouping you will be able easy to iterate trough cell and to populate your Excel.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
I too expected the Excel Export to be possible since it is possible in all other grids and is so basic to use the report.
The capture of the screen seems so ...OLD!. I need to be able to present the beautiful table to my manager. Any report that can not be printed, can just as well not exist.
There should be a way to convert this to a printable report!. COME ON GUYS!