I am using UltraDayView/UltraWeekView with multiple owners, when only one owner is visible the row-height of the day column header is more. When i make multiple owner visible the row-height reduces. How can i Fix the Height of the DayHeaderArea, so that it doesnot change?
Also i found that on changing the FontData.SizeInPoints( using the below LOC) the header row height changes.
this.ultraCalendarLook1.AppointmentAppearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 25;
I want the DayHeaderArea's height to remain same through out. Attaching the screen shot for better understanding
Hi Chitra,
Thank you for posting to our forums.
I have tried to reproduce this behavior using 14.2 and having one or more owners doesn’t seem to effect the height of the header – the headers have identical height, regardless if one or more owners are visible. From the screenshot that you have provided it seems to me that your DayView is heavily modified, possibly using the CreationFilter interface. This could be the reason why the headers have different sizes for you. I have attached my test sample, please modify it so it reproduces your issue.
As for the font size changing the header size, the header size will be dynamically determined based on the size of the contents inside it. This is done, in order to make sure that the header text will be displayed even if the font size is very large. The only way to change the size of the text without changing the size of the header is through the DrawFilter interface. The attached sample shows how to implement this.
Let me know if you have any additional questions on this issue.
Hi Dimitar,
I have attached the Sample which has all the modification done with CreationFilter.
Also i think i found the reason which is reproducing issue, but still not able to fix it.
In the creationfilter we have fix the size for AllDayEvent (i.e. AllDayEventAreaUIElement), but we don't want the option for AllDayEvent at all in our module. So have set it to false by using following LOC
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.AllowAllDayEvents = false;
Also just for your information we are using 12.2 version of Infragistics.
Hello Chitra,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.