I'm using ultratimeline with Office2007 theme, the design is OK but I need to display square corner for appointments.
I try CreateFilter adapt from this : http://ko.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/17867.aspx
But appointments lost left and right borders, it also seems creationfilter doesn't work on form resize (many appointments display over and over)
Is there any way to display squared corners instead of rounded ?
Hello Yannick,
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi Yannick,
Thank you for the reply.
The UltraPictureBox added in the creation filter is not a UIElement, it is a control. And the BackColor is a property that is inherited from the control class. Generally using the Appearance.BackColor property of our controls, will override the BackColor, but I assume that in this case it doesn’t because of the CreationFilter. In most cases using the Appearance.BackColor is the recommended approach.
As for the header width, it is automatically calculated, from the width of the contents in the header. The easiest way to increase it is to make the owner caption longer. You can do that by adding a few whitespaces at the end of the caption, followed by unprintable character (this will prevent the caption from getting trimmed) like “Escape” at the end of the caption:
this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("1", "Me " + (char)27);
I have modified the sample in order to demonstrate this suggestion.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Ok for the background it works for me. So, what's the difference between Element.BackColor and element.Appearences.BackColor ? Am I supposed to use based elements prooperties instead of Appearences properties ?
And for the owner's column width, is there any way to do it ?
Thanks a lot for your help
Thank you for the provided sample.
It seems that the background color is caused by the BackColor property of the icons. If you set the BackColor to Color.Transparent for each of the UltraPictureBox items in the creation filter the images should have transparent background for all images.
I have attached your sample with this modification.
Let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Truncate icons