I have an existing Winform application that I recently upgraded from the v 8.1 version of your controls to the v 14.1 version.
I have many UltraComboEditors which are specified as the Editor Components for columns in my UltraGrids.
Since my upgrade to v 14.1 they are no longer working properly, they no longer pop up their values when clicked, and I am no longer able to edit the linked columns values. Are there certain changes I need to make to my application besides running the Infragistics Version Utility Version 2014.1 on my projects?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Tim,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
It seems that the property to assign the editor in 8.1 is EditorControl, which since then have been marked as obsolete and you should use the EditorComponent property. Other than that assigning the UltraComboEditor to a column in an UltraGrid, doesn’t require anything else – just set the EditorComponent property to an UltraComboEditor.
I have attached a sample which demonstrates how to implement this in 14.1. If you are still struggling with this functionality, please provide me with a sample that demonstrates the issue and I will be glad to implement this feature in it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I actually think I may have mis-diagnosed the original problem. I have a dataGrid with multiple bands. The Datagrid has the Feature Picker/Updating/Allow Row Adding set to 'Allow - fixed row at the bottom of the grid'.
The new row is at the bottom of the grid, but I am unable to edit or insert a new row.
This problem started when I migrated from v 8.1 to v 14.1
Do you know what I might need to do to fix this?
Are you able to enters anything on any cell of AddNewRow ? I think that you might be handaled BeforeCellActivated or BefroeRowActivated and you are canceling it. Another option might be if you somehow have set CellActivation to NoEdit of the AddNewRow. So my advice is first to search in your code about mentioned events in order to cee if they were canceled and then to search about CellActivation.
I hope that this will helps you.
I do not have any code related to the BeforeCellActivated or the BeforeRowActivated. I also do not have the CellActivation set to NoEdit. This problem is occurring on every single UltraGrid I have in my application (since I upgraded from 8.1 to 14.1). I have not modified anything else in my code , except I ran the Infragistics Version Utility. I am not sure if this matters, but I am using NetTiers as the ORM in my system. None of my UltraGrids support adding new rows since the upgrade.
It looks like this is exactly the same problem that I am now having...
I found the solution to this problem.
In the nettiers generated Listbase.cs file you just have to uncomment out the code that was suppressed by the latest build of nettiers (just like Fweeee had stated.)
protected override void InsertItem(int index, T item) {
this.Items.Insert(index, item);
OnListChanged(new ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, index)); <----- This line was commented out, just remove the comments to fix.
Hi Timothy,
I am glad that you were able to solve your issue. Let me know if you need any additional assistance on this matter.
Thank you for using Infragistics components.