I want to add a custom collaps/expand image next to the header text. What object do I need to create? Are there any examples on the website.
You just need to use the UltraExpandableGroupBox control instead of the UltraGroupBox control. You can then set the ExpansionIndicatorExpanded and ExpansionIndicatorCollapsed properties to the images you want.
Thanks for following up. I have done that, but what I was actually looking to do was place the indicatior right next to the header text. So, if the UltraExpandableGroupBox header text was centered, I wanted the expand/collapse image to be to the left of the text maybe 10 pixels.
ah ok. The Expansion Icon is going to stay in it's "Rectangle" so it would not move there by default...
might I ask how much you have done with Creation Filters?
Couple options with the CreationFilter... adjust the rectangle that already contains the expansion indicator to move it close to the text containing rectangle...
do not use the built in expansion icon and make your own ImageUIElement <well, really a ButtonUIElement> and throw it in the rectangle (UIElement) that contains the TextUIElement which shows the text of the header of the UltraExpandableGroupBox.
use a CreationFilter to add/modify/delete the UIElements that are in use in the control as you see fit to achieve the results you want... CreationFilters are described here.
I was trying to solve the scenario without using a Filter but it appears that is going to be your only option. In short: A CreationFilter will allow you to customize the bits and pieces of the control and a DrawFilter will allow you to customize the appearance of the bits and peices of the control.